2017年6月10日 星期六


The Australian Office together with the Australian New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taipei are pleased to invite you to an Australian alumni networking evening in Taipei.
The evening will include a panel of Australian alumni speakers who will share their career development journey.
Come along and enjoy the company of other Taiwanese alumni from Australian Universities.
Event details are as below:
Friday 23 June 2017
4F Cocoon Poolside Bar
Grand Mayfull Hotel, 55 Lequn 2nd Rd., Taipei
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Cost: Complimentary dinner buffet and drinks
Please RSVP HERE by Thursday 22 June 2017 to confirm your attendance.

Spread the word
We may not be in touch will all our graduates in Taiwan so spread the word to encourage your fellow graduates to attend and reconnect online at www.unisa.edu.au/alumni


