2022年5月22日 星期日

The benefits of boxing people in | How to get motivated to exercise | How business and unis can solve tech skills shortage – UniSA News May

Life-sized cardboard models used to test designs for new Women's and Children's Hospital

What do hospitals and submarines have in common? Quite a lot, according to the director of UniSA's Studio for Complex Human Environment Design (SCHED), Dr Peter Schumacher.
Read more

How do I improve my motivation to exercise when I really hate it? 10 science-backed tips


Industry and research join forces to tackle $283 billion antimicrobial resistance threat to Australia


Hydroponic native plants to detox PFAS-contaminated water


From the Vice Chancellor

$100K grant to support UniSA-led art and STEM collaboration
Paid internship program paves the way for prospective PhD students
Adjunct awarded national prize by Australian Institute of Architects
$10m investment fuels promising treatments for inflammatory lung disease
UniSA makes a number of key senior appointments
...and more

How business and universities can work together to solve the tech skills problem


Meet Clive, UniSA's first quadruped robot


In reality, escapist fiction could be what the doctor orders


UniSA honours two trailblazing entrepreneurs


The latest books from UniSA researchers


In Pictures: 2022 graduation ceremonies


Enjoy the Hawke Centre's latest events


What's on at UniSA's Samstag Museum of Art


Read the latest edition of enterprise magazine


2022年5月16日 星期一

(代轉發)臺灣積體電路設計學會《新思科技–劉炯朗優秀博士生奬學金》 即日起至6月30日止接受申請,歡迎踴躍申請!

獎勵辦法及申請表格請至學會網站 (www.ticd.org.tw下載 










1.     限各大學相關科系博士班一、二年級在學學生,或者碩士班在學學生確認會繼續攻讀博士班並且由教授推薦,無全職工作且未獲其他相關企業獎學金贊助者。

2.     所從事之研究主題與積體電路設計與測試自動化相關,或其他由奬學金審查小組認定之相關領域。

3.     為鼓勵女性研究生申請,將從優審查。



1.     獎勵金額:由新思科技提供產業贊助博士級人才培育獎學金,獲獎者於獎勵期間每人每學期新台幣21萬元整。

2.     獎勵期間:



3.     獎勵名額:依每年申請人數及贊助情形調整。

4.     獎助原則:







1.     申請期間:即日起至630日止,逾期恕不受理。

2.     應備文件請由上而下依序提供

□ 申請書

□ 未在公私立機構從事專職或與學業無關之支薪兼職工作切結書 (於申請書第二頁,請簽章)

□ 個人資料保護法權利告知事項同意聲明(於申請書第二頁,請簽章)

□ 指導教授同意推薦函

□ 歷年成績單(含博士、碩士、學士)及名次證明影本

□ 個人履歷

□ 博士研究計畫摘要

□ 其他各類優秀表現證明文件(論文發表碩士論文、專題報告、競賽獲獎紀錄或其他優秀表現等)




1.     初審:臺灣積體電路設計學會就所繳交之申請文件進行書面審查。

2.     複審:初審合格者,依排序推薦給新思科技奬學金審查小組完成複審。

3.     媒合錄取:由臺灣積體電路設計學會彙整新思科技複審結果,進行媒合錄取作業。



1.     錄取公告:媒合錄取作業完成後,由臺灣積體電路設計學會將錄取名單公告於網頁,並通知獲獎者及其指導教授。

2.     簽署同意書:獲獎者須於錄取公告兩週內簽署受奬同意書,同意書影本送臺灣積體電路設計學會備查,方取得獎學金領取資格,未如期完成簽署者,視同放棄獲獎資格。

3.     領獎中止:




Nursing graduate providing telemedicine service in rural Kenya | Supporting a new generation of UniSA Pharmacists | Entrepreneur behind Essential Beauty

Nursing Graduate Providing Telemedicine Service in Rural Kenya
Sometimes good things are borne out of the bad, says Muslima Halkano. As a result of the COVID pandemic, Muslima learnt of telemedicine and realised this would be a way to bring health education to her rural hometown in Kenya. more...
Supporting a New Generation of UniSA Pharmacists
After a fulfilling career in Pharmacy and Medicine, UniSA alumnus Dr Terry Farquharson has established a new PhD Pharmacy Scholarship to provide the same opportunities to today's upcoming students, like James Chakiris, whose research is aimed at developing a more specific drug to target prostrate cancer with less side effects. more...

Entrepreneur Behind Essential Beauty Shares his Lessons for Life
With an interest in people's behaviour, and acute business acumen, Tony Maiello went on to found and commercialise the Essential Beauty chain of salons with his partner Mel. Among his keys to success are life-long learning and continuous improvement. more...
Events & Exhibitions
Until 3 June >> Watandar | My Countryman
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre in the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, Watandar is an exhibition about identity and belonging. When Afghan-Hazara refugee, photographer and human rights activist Muzafar Ali discovers that Afghans have been in Australia for 160 years it inspires a photographic journey to meet their descendants, his Watandar. His search takes him to the remote deserts, old Ghantowns and suburbs of South Australia in a quest to define his own new Afghan-Australian identity.
Thursday 19 May >> Illuminate Discussion
The Avalanches - Robbie Chater and Tony Di Blasi will be in conversation with Australia radio legend, Zan Rowe (triple J, Double J) along with conductor Nicholas Buc for a special panel unpacking the band's past, present and future. Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and Illuminate Adelaide.
Wednesday 1st June >> Good International Citizenship: The Case for Decency
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, Gareth Evans AC QC asks why should Australia care about poverty, human rights atrocities, environmental catastrophes, weapons proliferation or any other problems afflicting faraway countries, when they don't have any direct or immediate impact on us? Professor the Hon Gareth Evans' AC QC FASSA FAIIA book will be the starting point for a wide-ranging discussion on current foreign policy issues with Emeritus Professor Hugh White AO.
Thursday 2nd June >> 23rd Annual Hawke Lecture
Delivering the 23rd Annual Hawke Lecture, Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty AC discusses the role of medical research and science based policy making during a pandemic. Professor Peter Doherty provides a fascinating glimpse into how health experts have worked with governments to control and manage the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.
Thursday 23 June >> ARA and Hawke Centre Conversation
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and the Australian Refugee Association (ARA), and as part of SA Refugee Week, the 2022 ARA and Hawke Centre Conversation will hear the stories from four creatives from refugee and migrant backgrounds discussing the theme: My Story, My Way.